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Name Surname
Veronica Girone Kanno
Find Legal Help Japan Founder,
interpreter, translator, mediator

About me!

I arrived in Japan in 1995 after graduating from the Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome, with the aim of further studying the Japanese language.
I graduated from Gakushuin Women's College in Tokyo in the Department of Japanese Culture Studies.
During my university years, I started teaching Italian and I attended a linguistics course at Waseda University for a year as an exchange program with Gakushuin.
I deepened my teaching skills with a Master's degree in "Teaching Italian abroad" at Ca' Foscari and a research course in linguistics at the University of Tokyo.
While teaching at Japanese universities, I published two books and I started working as a reference translator for the Italian Embassy in Tokyo and as an interpreter in Japanese, for the Tokyo Bar Association, in criminal and civil cases involving foreigners speaking Italian, English and Spanish and as a mediator and interpreter in child abduction's cases.
In support of my work and because I enjoy taking care of others, I enrolled to study as a Psychiatric Social Worker at the Nihon Fukushi University getting a bachelor's degree in the Course, and to support my work as a legal interpreter I recently graduated in the Faculty of Law at the Soka University.

Links, past works and
published books

For Client’s Confidentiality reasons, Legal related data’s share is not allowed, below some non-legal works introduction.
HP link of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with my translations and voice
Interpreter of the former Italian football team Roberto Baggio in three languages for the Foreign Press FCCJ
Published 2 Italian textbooks

more about me

Italian passport name, Veronica Girone (some people know me by my mother's surname Veronica Zinny).
American passport name, Veronica Kanno (菅野ヴェロニカ).
Born in the USA to a French father and an Argentinian mother.
When I was 2 years old my parents divorced and we moved to Italy, when I was 9 my mother got remarried and I was eventually adopted by my Italian father. I left home at 18 and I always have been on my own, solving any and each problem I had to face.
In support of this acquired ability I have also followed targeted studies becoming good enough to be called to mediate in child abduction cases and between foreigners and Japanese Companies.


  • 1990 Began studying Japanese at the Japanese Culture Center in Rome (4 years course)
  • 1995 Came to Japan, enrolled in a Japanese Language school.
  • 1998 Passed the First Level of Japanese Proficiency Test
  • 2001 March Waseda University (Department of Education, course of Applied Linguistics, credits),
  • 2002 March, Bachelor's Degree in Japanese Culture, Department of International Cultural Exchanges at Gakushuin Women's College
  • 2002 October, Tokyo University, Faculty of Literature and Society Research, Department of Linguistics, Research Course
  • 2003 December, Master’s Degree from Venezia Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy (Subject Teaching Italian Abroad as a Second Language)
  • 2004 December, Asahi Culture Center
    Professional training course for Teachers of the Japanese language, Final degree
  • 2016 April, Polytechnic of Milan University, Quarterly online course, Conflict Resolution, completed
  • 2017 March, Bachelor's Degree in Psychiatric Social Assistance at Japan Welfare University
  • 2018 February, Quarterly online course Duke University, How to Understand arguments, completed
  • 2018 August, Quarterly online course, Yale University, Introduction to Negotiation, completed
  • 2018 August, Quarterly online course, Yale University, The science of well-being, completed
  • 2018 September, Quarterly online course, University of California UC Irvine, Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making, completed
  • 2019 November, Quarterly online course, University of Michigan, Negotiation, completed
  • 2019 Began studying Spanish
  • 2023 September, Bachelor's Degree in Law at Soka University


  • 1995 Begun teaching Italian, actually at Gakushuin Women's College and Soka University
    Published two books:
    “ Ho capito! ” 2011
  • 2000 Begun working as an English, Italian and Japanese interpreter and translator for TV news, movie subtitles, International meetings, (2017 Interreligious Symposium on Death penalty, 2019 Osaka G20 Summit, 2023 Miyazaki G7 Summit)
  • 2007 Became designated translator of the Italian Embassy in Tokyo
  • 2007 Became interpreter (Japanese, English, Italian) for the Tokyo Bar Association and Hoterasu
  • 2022 Tokyo Bar Association and Hoterasu, interpreter adds the Spanish language


Veronica’s presence
encouraged me

The day I've been arrested a lawyer and Veronica came to visit and explained me all my rights, I was anxious and scared but Veronica always calm me down explaining that nobody would hurt me and that was only a matter of time, she brought me books and kept contact with my family calming daily them too.
The lawyer explained me that I wouldn't need to serve but at the end was Veronica's presence that encouraged me most during that terrible experience.

Effettiva, in termini di
risultati, costi e tempi

La collaborazione con Veronica si è sempre dimostrata effettiva, in termini di risultati, costi e tempi. Il suo aiuto, sia per ragioni di business, apertura aziende o contratti, sia per motivi personali quali il divorzio, è sempre stato essenziale per la buona riuscita dei progetti.
Caldamente consigliata.

Sentirsi meno straniero
in un paese straniero

Sono un italiano che per motivi di dover ricevere una eredità mi sono recato in Giappone a Tokio dove avrei dovuto firmare dei documenti in una banca locale
E la motivazione della mia brutta avventura e iniziata con il trasporto di una valigia per conto di una persona mai vista di persona solo sentito per telefono e mail e messaggi wattsapp con questa valigia trolley che mi è stata consegnata da un collaboratore di questa persona.
Dovevo portare un regalo per due bambini figli di una signora che avrei dovuto incontrare a Tokio al mio arrivo solo che questo trolley aveva un doppio fondo dove conteneva sostanze stupefacenti a mia insaputa e quando il trolley è arrivato al controllo della dogana dell 'aereoporto è stato perquisito perché sospetto e in effetti conteneva le sostanze di cui è stato detto così su mandato del giudice sono stato fermato dalla polizia doganale dove poi io ho spiegato di essere all'oscuro di tutta la faccenda e di essere stato usato con la scusa di fare un regalo ad una signora per i suoi figli.
Comunque il trolley è stato sequestrato dalla polizia che dopo aver accertato la mia estraneità a questo tentato traffico di stupefacenti, mi ha permesso di rientrare in italia.
Devo tutto questo all'aiuto datomi dall'avvocato fornito gratuitamente dall'Ordine degli avvocati e dalla sua assistente Veronica che parlava perfettamente italiano in quanto italiana a spiegarmi tutto il procedimento nonché a tenere la mia comunicazione con i miei familiari e a farmi sentire meno straniero in un paese straniero. Ho passato 40 giorni molto duri con molte difficoltà nel farmi capire dalle persone che mi tenevano in detenzione provvisoria per accertamenti e aspettavo ogni 4 giorni l'arrivo di questa persona amica che mi parlava in italiano e ogni volta mi sembrava di rivivere devo ringraziare il suo operato e quello dell 'avvocato che ha ascoltato la mia esperienza di questo fatto che non auguro a nessuno anche se è andato tutto a buon fine grazie per tutto.

Disponibilità e

Veronica mi ha fatto da interprete durante il mio viaggio di ricerca in Giappone per la realizzazione di un progetto d'arte contemporanea realizzato con il supporto dell'Ambasciata Italiana a Tokyo e il Ministero della Cultura Italiano.
La sua disponibilità e professionalità mi hanno consentito di raccogliere moltissimo materiale per il mio progetto tra interviste e field trips, e di dialogare con interlocutori di diverso genere da docenti universitari, a funzionari pubblici fino a operatori di aziende private.
Per questo posso dire che Veronica è diventata il mio punto di riferimento linguistico in Giappone e sicuramente la contatterò di nuovo per progetti futuri".


Citizenship recognition

Ciao Veronica!
I’m writing to let you know that my daughter and I were formally as Italian citizens this afternoon! I want to thank you so very very much for all of your hard work, and helping us get the documentation we needed for recognition.

Without you and your affidavit, the Italian consulate may not have accepted my birth certificate, whereby also not recognizing my daughter. Your piece was critically important to this process and I so sincerely appreciate all that you did for us.

Criminal case

Ms.Veronica & (lawyer's name), my son, Myself and my wife and our entire family, hope that you both accept our most heartfelt and gratitude for the service you both provided, you both will always have a special place in our heart. We will love you both. My son and I have arrived at Narita international Airport. We will depart for our fine and lovely country at 4:25 Pm. If by chance,if either of you ever travel to America give us call. I will never forget either of you.

Criminal case

Thank you for your fundamental help for the speedy release. We were very grateful for what you were able to do.
I believe this has been a Life changing experience for them.
It was a very frightening experience for our Family, but believe that the final outcome will eventually far outweigh the anxiety we all suffered.

Criminal case

Thank you for your continue update. Finally we have some good news, with our fingers crossed that it is now proceeding smoothly without any further issue.
I want to thank you for your assistance in helping A. and our family during this difficult time.





Caso penal

Hola como esta??
.....M. me ha dicho que vive muy agradecido por estar pendiente de el y yo también...de nuevo gracias por estar pendiente de mi hijo se lo agradezco mucho de todo corazón..le deseo muchas bendiciones a usted y a toda su familia... eres un ángel.

Caso penal

Muchas gracias por informarme sobre mi hermano.Mil gracias por todo, Díos me la bendiga siempre

Criminal case

I am thankful for your services, and words of encouragement you have bestowed upon me.
I am grateful that you sent me books even when you did not need to do such a thing. I will always remember your kind act and remember to do the same.
Again thank you for everything.

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